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ZenniOptical $6.95 Rx Glasses

00:01 Edit This 0 Comments »

What do you do when you need to buy eyeglasses for your child? The best advice to you is to visit the zennioptical where quality and low prices are trademarks of the company, ZenniOptical $6.95 Rx Glasses and still counting with new structure, Check out Zenni's New Site!

Only Zenni now has the best tryon: Frame Fit , do zennioptical of your store to purchase eyeglasses and has the largest selection and low prices on the internet.

00:04 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

08:32 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

US online casinos

08:31 Edit This 0 Comments »
Patience is very important and it is also true when it comes to betting and win cash prizes casino. The casino cash can make you reach your dreams, or the money the casino can be your worst enemy. When it comes to casino cash, you should be prepared as a player. Education and training will increase your odds of winning casino cash and succeed when it comes to games and knead casino cash from now when you want to come straight to the US online casinos and find several http://usacasino.org casinos for you to register and be able to do anywhere, needing only a computer and internet.

08:26 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

Online casinos

08:24 Edit This 0 Comments »
Surely you've ever wondered what the best options for receiving this type of training and hopefully your own piece of the casino money, then there are some basic points you need to know. The first thing to do is practice. For casino cash you need to practice at every opportunity that is presented to it. Choose a game in which you want to specialize and for which you would like to make money, and constantly practice this game every time they can. Instead of playing for real money casino at first, should postpone their dream of making money from the casino and play with friends and family at the beginning, whether or not the money, however attempts to taper their skills and become a formidable force in the field of his election, make the casinosonline.net its main search site where you want to Online casinos .


00:04 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Tenho dito ultimamente o quanto te amo,
ou o quanto um simples sorriso teu consegue
derreter meu coração?

Tenho mencionado recentemente que
tuas palavras, sussurradas em meus ouvidos,
podem calar fundo, bem dentro de minha alma,
e que elas podem, ainda, me esquentar em momentos
que estamos longe um do outro?

Tenho dito em qualquer dia dos últimos tempos
como eu me sentiria sem teus braços me envolvendo,
ou como minha vida seria vazia sem ter-te por perto?

Tenho falado nos últimos tempos
o quanto és importante em minha vida e
como agradeço por fazeres parte dela e
por deixar-me fazer parte da tua?

Alguma vez já te disse como fiquei, muitas vezes,
olhando teu rosto delicado enquanto dormias,
e a terna fascinação que senti ao observar-te assim
em delicioso e prolongado silêncio?

Se não tenho dito tudo isto ultimamente,
é porque não consigo achar palavras adequadas
para expressar um amor tão lindo,
tão próximo e tão profundo!

Mas, podes sempre ter certeza de uma coisa:
eu te amo muito, muito ...
(e um pouquinho mais)!

Casino site

00:01 Edit This 0 Comments »
Whether online or in the physical world, casinos and the games are very popular. Players have the dream of using money from the casino as access to all your desires, dreams and hopes. The money from the casino seems to be very easy to earn, but the reality is that getting money from the casino might need a hard work, practice and dedication. Si you want to access your own source of money the casino will first need to compromise with different training programs to ensure they have the best chance of getting money from the casino, then all you need to do is come to start now and casinosites.cc to invest in the most secure casinos on the Internet, there are several options available to them, who is looking for a casino site must know the casinosites.cc.

00:04 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »


00:04 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Era só uma fuga da solidão, do medo,
de um vazio que me sufocava,
de um esperar constante de algo
que poderia acontecer não sei quando.

Te encontrei nesse tempo,
um tempo cheio de incertezas, inseguranças
e uma vontade imensa de experimentar algo novo.

Você foi tudo de bom,
me ensinou a rever alguns valores,
rir de coisas bobas e até de coisa nenhuma,
rir pelo simples prazer de achar graça em tudo.

Hoje eu fujo da saudade,
do medo de te perder
quando me deixas mais de um dia
sem ouvir a tua voz.

Porque você...
não foge de tudo agora
e vem ficar comigo?

Vamos fugir juntos
para um lugar cheio de risos
e suspiros de pura paixão?

Online slots

00:01 Edit This 0 Comments »
Whether online or in the physical world, casinos and the games are very popular. Players have the dream of using money from the casino as access to all your desires, dreams and hopes. The money from the casino seems to be very easy to earn, but the reality is that getting money from the casino might need a hard work, practice and dedication. Si you want to access your own source of money the casino will first need to compromise with different training programs to ensure they have the best chance of getting money from the casino, so you should make sure that the casino will be making his bet is insurance in this regard and no one beats the bestonlinecasino.org that brings the most reliable casino of your choice.

00:04 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »


00:04 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

Entre o desejo e a necessidade
existem grandes diferenças...
Tenho necessidade de ti,
como da água que bebo,
como do alimento
que me renova as forças...

Tenho desejo
daquilo que não conheço,
de tua atenção desmedida,
de ser importante na tua vida,
de ser enlaçada em teus braços,
ouvir ao pé do ouvido,
"Preciso do teu carinho,
vou te carregar para o nosso ninho,
quero te amar com ardor,
nada sou sem esse louco amor"...

00:04 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

Estar Apaixonado

00:04 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Estar apaixonada é sentir,
O coração bater mais forte,
E estremecido de emoção,
Sonhar acordado e ver tudo,
Muito mais colorido,
Sorri para os encantos mais belos
Passear nos bosques De mãos dadas,
Juntinho da pessoa amada,
Em rumo da verdadeira felicidade,
Vaguear na Lua dos en namorados,
Ver o brilho das estrelas nos,
Olhos da pessoa amada,
Desenhar nas nuvens o teu nome,
Em palavras rima versos de amor,
Olhar o arco-íris colorindo o ceu,
Como se estivesse contenplando
Ainda mais o nosso amor
Te beijar enlouquecidamente,
Sentir o teu coração bater,
Juntinho ao meu,
Ouvir os cantos dos passarinhos,
Armonizando a nossa felicidade,
Olhar o Horizonte sorrindo,
Acariciar a tua face e nela,
Ver os sonhos mais lindos,
Dormir e acordar nos teus braços,
Fazer amor de madrugada,
E acordar ao seu lado,
E não pensar em mais nada...

00:04 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

Paintball Gear

00:01 Edit This 0 Comments »
If you're just jumping into the sport of paintball player or an experienced, quality, selection and value matter, pntball.com As we strive to provide products and services you demand and deserve quality products and selection, prices that can not be beat, We have a huge walk-in store where you can experience all the latest equipment, and can make decisions online and by phone, making it easy to get hold of whatever you need Paintball, are many and various equipment accessories for you to practice this wonderful sport that is paintball safe, make a visit to pntball.com and has a complete guide to information available to them.

00:02 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Quanto maiores somos em humildade, tanto mais próximos estamos da grandeza.
Rabindranath Tagore

11:38 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »


11:38 Edit This 0 Comments »
There are different types of players in the world. Some are experienced and many others are not. There are some players who play for big money and others who play for small amounts of money each time. With so many different types of players in the world, what is the best casino for one person may not be the best casino to another person. The best casino for a player is going to be what fits your style of play. In addition, there are people for whom the casino is only an entertainment, possibly because they do not bet, more like spending time with someone who does. The best casino for this person would offer something for everyone and chose as the best casino, has a wide variety of slots, you just come to you http://slotsonline.org.

10:31 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

Internet gambling

10:30 Edit This 0 Comments »
Online casinos can offer convenience and ease that many other casinos can not offer. You can bet online, playing any type of game imaginable, sponsored by a variety of different casinos. Players can try to earn such massive sums of money as if it were in regular casinos, and it attracts many different people. The experience since your home is also very intense and less threatening to a physical casino. No need to make a long and tiring journey to the casino. The casino is right there in their homes, in their own personal computer. A casino can be a place where they enjoy a lot, no matter where you are. There are many things to do and see in a large casino, come to http://www.gamblingonline.net and has several Internet gambling your choice.